
    Determination of Outburst-preventing Extraction Volume for Outburst Coal

    • 摘要: 通过假设和公式推导,提出了一种确定突出煤层防突抽采量的方法。公式推导结果表明,突出煤层防突抽采量等于在1年时间内将设计生产能力的煤炭预抽达标所需的瓦斯抽采纯量乘以工作面面积不均匀系数Ks。通过该方法可以计算出突出煤层防突抽采量,从而合理确定煤矿瓦斯抽采系统及设备。


      Abstract: Through hypothesis and formula derivation, a reasonable method was proposed to determine outburst-preventing extraction volume of outburst coal. Formula derivation result indicated that outburst-preventing extraction volume of outburst coal equal the pure flow of drainage which was needed to make the coal quantity of designed capacity to reach standard through pre-drainage in a year multiply working face area uneven coefficient. The outburst-preventing extraction volume which was determined by above method has important significance on choosing reasonable gas drainage system and equipment for coal mine.


