Application of Combined Slip Support in Complex Roof Support
摘要: 介绍了组合滑移液压支架在复合型顶板采煤工作面的应用,通过对复合型顶板工作面压力规律分析、支护强度计算、现场顶板的管理、支护效果分析和生产过程中遇到的问题及处理措施的论述,说明了组合滑移支架适合滴道盛和煤矿的地质状况并能够满足矿井生产需求。Abstract: This article introduces the application of combined sliding support in complex roof working face. Based on the analysis of roof pressure law, supporting strength calculation, roof management, supporting effect analysis, treatment measures and production process of discussion, it shows sthat the combined slip support adapts to the demand of mine production.