Transient Electromagnetic Method Meticulously Prospecting in Water-rich Area of Coal
摘要: 结合在西部某矿井下和地面瞬变电磁探测的具体工作,阐述了瞬变电磁法在煤矿井下的使用方法,探测正在掘进的运输大巷和回风大巷的侧帮、掌子面等前方80 m左右区域的富水异常区分布,此外,在运输大巷、回风大巷附近区域的地面进行了瞬变电磁探测,精细查明煤矿富水异常区,推断导含水地质构造等。Abstract: This article describes underground and ground transient electromagnetic detection application in a coal mine in western China, the distribution laws of tunneling main haulage roadway, sides of return air roadway, tunneling face and about 80 m in front of the water-rich anomaly region are detected, the regions around haulage roadway, return air roadway are carried on TEM detection for meticulously prospecting water-rich area and deducing hydrous geological structure.