
    Design of Portable Methane Detection Alarm Device

    • 摘要: 设计的便携式甲烷报警仪,采用基于Cortex-M3内核的STM32F103RBT6中央处理芯片,不但具有准确检测井下环境气体甲烷浓度,浓度超限实时报警,实时存储检测数据性能,还有高浓甲烷保护功能,以防止传感元件遇高浓冲击损坏,使传感元件使用寿命更长,降低了故障率,该便携式甲烷报警仪能够很好的适用煤矿环境应用。


      Abstract: The methane alarm device based on SMT32F103RBT6 central processing chip of Cortex-M3 core not only has performance such as the accurate detection of underground environment methane concentration, concentration overrun real-time alarm, real-time detection of data storage performance, but also has protection function to prolong sensing element lifetime and prevent impact damage in case of high concentration methane, reduce the failure rate. The portable methane alarm device can be well applied in mine environments.


