Influence Analysis of Underground Mining on Ash Dam Body and Hydraulic Construction
摘要: 根据灰坝及水工建筑物区域煤层开采情况,选取合理参数,对灰坝及附属水工建筑物移动变形情况进行了演算,结果表明灰坝及水工建筑物经受了Ⅱ级采动影响。灰坝及水工建筑物现场勘查结果表明,采动对灰坝及水工建筑物的结构影响轻微,经过简单维修加固可以消除采动影响。井下开采和灰坝及水工建筑物保护必须统筹兼顾,才能做到在充分合理回收煤炭资源的基础上,保证灰坝及水工建筑物的正常安全使用。Abstract: According to mining conditions in ash dam body and hydraulic construction region,the movement and deformation of ash dam and its subordinate hydraulic construction were calculated by choosing proper parameter.The result showed that ash body and hydraulic construction withstood the grade Ⅱmining influence.Scene survey result showed that ash dam body and hydraulic construction was influenced slightly by coal mining,and simple maintaining and reinforcement could eliminate the impact of mining.Coal mining and protection of ash dam body and hydraulic construction must be considered together.On the basis of ensuring the safety of ash dam and hydraulic construction,coal resource can be recovered properly.