
    Practice of Goaf Fire Extinguishing Technology Under Conditions of High-gas Mine Drainage

    • 摘要: 高瓦斯矿井开采过程中,为了防止瓦斯积聚,主要采用瓦斯抽放来降低采空区的瓦斯浓度。然而瓦斯抽采又会增大采空区的漏风,导致采空区内空气渗流十分复杂。因此如何处理好瓦斯抽放与采空区防灭火的关系成为一大难题。对汝箕沟煤矿335工作面瓦斯抽放综合治理和采空区防灭火技术措施进行分析,找到了适合治理汝箕沟煤矿335采空区的防灭火技术方案。


      Abstract: In the exploitation process of high gassy coal mine, in order to prevent the accumulation of gas , gas drainage is mainly used to reduce the gas concentration in goaf. However, gas extraction will increase gob air leakage and result in complex air flow in gob. So, how to handle the gob gas drainage and fire prevention relationships becomes a major problem. This paper analyzed comprehensive management of gas drainage and goaf fire extinguishing measures in 335 working face of Rujigou Coal Mine, and found the suitable treatments of fire prevention and extinguishing methods for 335 goaf in Rujigou Coal Mine.


