
    Using Horizon-oriented Impedance Attribute to Predict Coal Seam Roof Lithology

    • 摘要: 沿层属性是用来对时窗内包含不止一个峰或谷的地震资料进行定量描述的属性,如果所有反映煤层顶板岩性的峰或谷反射同相轴能够直接拾取,就可以提取定量属性,如果不能,那么沿层属性就是最佳选择。由于煤层顶板岩性横向上存在变化,利用沿层属性能够更好的预测其变化趋势。利用基于模型反演方法,将横向连续性好的地震数据与垂向分辨率高的测井资料相结合,得到反演波阻抗数据体,在此基础上提取沿层切片进行顶板岩性预测。


      Abstract: Horizon-oriented impedance attribute can describe the seismic data quantitatively, which contains more than one peak and trough in the same time window. If all the peaks and troughs reflect event of the seam roof lithology can be directly picked up, quantitative attribute can be extracted appropriately, if not, the horizon-oriented attribute would be the best choice. According to the variational lithology of coal seam roof, horizon-oriented attribute should be better to predict the trends. Based on impedance inversion data, combined continuous seismic data and high resolution well logging data together, the paper obtained wave impedance data volume, and abstracted horizon slice to predict the lithology of coal seam roof.


