Numerical Simulation of Spontaneous Combustion "Three Zone" Distribution Laws of Shortwall Strip Face in Deep Mine
摘要: 以某大型深部开采矿井为研究对象,针对其短壁条带工作面的实际情况,采取“采空区两道气体现场实测”与“数值模拟”相结合的手段对采空区的自燃“三带”分布情况及规律进行系统的分析与研究,得出了采空区自燃“三带”的分布范围及规律。Abstract: Taking a large deep mine as the research object, considering the actual situation of its short wall strip working face, the combining method of "two gas field measurement in gob" and "numerical simulation" is chosen to study and analy distribution laws of gob spontaneous combustion "three zone", and the distribution laws of gob spontaneous combustion "three zone" are obtained.