
    Fatigue Related Factors Analysis and Control Study for Coal Mine Workers

    • 摘要: 煤矿安全事故的发生原因可分为人和物2个方面,事故的严重度和事故频率与人的精神状况和疲劳度存在相关性。运用频次分析方法、比例分析方法和列联分析方法对问卷结果进行定量分析。结果表明,职工的疲劳度与年龄、性格特征、工作年限、工作时间、加班频率相关,与职工的文化程度无关;同时针对分析的结论提出相应的对策。


      Abstract: Coal mine incidents can be divided into people and things two main aspects. Severity and frequency of incidents are related to mental state and fatigue. Through quantitative analysis of questionnaire survey by frequency analysis, ratio approach, contingency analysis, the survey result shows that fatigue of the employee is related to age, traits of character,work experience, working hours and frequency of overtime, instead of degree of education. Control methods are provided based on the conclusion of the survey.


