
    Construction of Competency Feature Models for Foremen of Coal Mines

    • 摘要: 为探索煤矿班组长具有哪些素质能力才能胜任其职位,提升煤矿基层管理能力,从而降低矿工不安全行为的发生。通过关键事件访谈和文献梳理,初步明确了煤矿班组长具备的胜任特征因素。通过2次调查问卷发放,分别应用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析构建了煤矿班组长胜任特征模型。结果表明煤矿班组长胜任特征模型包含5个维度,18个胜任特征条目,其中5个维度分别是:安全实践能力、人际合作能力、自我发展能力、班组管理能力和职业素养。


      Abstract: For the purpose of exploring the qualities and abilities that foremen of coal mines were competent in their place, enhancing the grass-roots management capacity of coal mines, and decreasing the occurrence of unsafe behavior for miners. Through critical incident interviews and literature review, it initially determined the competency feature factors what foremen of coal mines should have. Then through twice questionnaire survey, it constructed competency feature models of foremen of coal mines with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the competency feature models of foremen of coal mines consisted of 5 dimensions and 18 competency feature entries. The 5 dimensions were safety practice ability, interpersonal cooperation ability, self-development ability, team management ability and professional quality.


