
    Mine Human Error Safety Assessment Based on AHP and FCE

    • 摘要: 为了避免层次分析法中人的主观性对煤矿人因失误安全预防评价结果的影响,在综合考虑煤矿人因失误行为关键影响因素的前提下,针对煤矿人因失误安全状况,提出了层次分析法与模糊综合评价相结合的煤矿人因失误安全预防评价方法。利用层次分析法对煤矿各人因失误行为影响因素进行分类,确定各影响因素的权重,并采用模糊综合评价的方法对煤矿人因失误安全预防进行了评价。通过对某矿人因失误的安全评价,验证了层次分析法与模糊综合评价相结合进行人因失误安全评价的合理性与可靠性,同时,该方法还能对人因失误进行分类,为预防煤矿人因失误提供依据。


      Abstract: In order to avoid the effect of subjectivity on the coal mine human error safety assessment with analytical hierarchy process(AHP), under the premise of comprehensively considering key affecting factors on human error behavior in the coal mine, based on human error safety situation, a new assessment method combining AHP with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation(FCE) was proposed. In the method, human error behavior influencing factors of the coal mine were classified, and the weights of various evaluation indices were determined by AHP, and coal mine behavior error safety prevention was assessed by FCE. By the assessment of a coal mine behavior error safety in Henan, the method's rationality and reliability was proved. Moreover, the coal mine behavior error safety can be classified by this method. This will offer basis for pretending behavior error in coal mine.


