
    The Influence of Secondary Supporting Parameters and Secondary Supporting Time on Tunnel Stability in Extremely Soft Rock

    • 摘要: 为解决砂坝煤矿围岩支护问题,提出了包括二次支护参数和二次支护时机在内的支护方案,并考虑了锚索长度la、锚索的间排距ea×Ia和二次支护时机位移值da等3个因素,采用正交试验重点对二次支护进行16个方案的设计,并分别分析了不同二次支护时机位移值对巷道稳定性的影响,并进行实际应用,取得了良好的效果。


      Abstract: In order to solve the supporting problem of surrounding rock in Shaba Coal Mine, the paper presents scheme including secondary supporting parameter and secondary supporting time, considering three factors about the length of anchor cables la, intervals of anchor cables ea×Ia and displacement values of secondary supporting time da. It adopts orthogonal tests to design 16 schemes of secondary supporting and analyzes different influence ranges of secondary supporting opportunity on tunnel stability. It has a good effect on application.


