
    Practice of Limestone Water Regional Governance in Pingdingshan Mining Area

    • 摘要: 从平顶山矿区灰岩承压水防治需要出发,分别以突水系数计算公式和斯列萨列夫公式为判据,相应地提出了以矿井突水危险性分区和开掘工作面突水危险性评价等为核心的灰岩承压水突水危险性分区的概念,为灰岩水区域治理搭建了平台。在矿区水文地质单元划分的基础上,对一、二煤层的突水危险性进行了区划;针对不同单元的突水危险性,结合水文地质特征,确立了各自的区域治理原则、目标、治理思路,规划了相应的治理工程。


      Abstract: From prevention needs of limestone aquifer in Pingdingshan Coal Mine, formula of water inrush coefficient and Slisalif's are selected as criterion respectively, and then the idea of limestone aquifer water inrush danger division taking the mine water inrush danger division and mining face water inrush risk assessment as the core is offered, which builds a platform for the limestone water regional governance. Based on dividing hydro-geological units, the water inrush danger zones of the first and second coal beds are divided. Aimed to water inrush danger of different units and combined with hydro-geological characteristics, the paper determines principle, target, thinking of regional governance respectively, governance engineering is planned.


