
    Coal Mine Locomotive Voice Communication System Based on AMBE-1000 and RFC-1100A

    • 摘要: 煤矿井下的机车语音通讯系统是调度员与机车司机之间,机车司机与机车司机之间保持联系的重要手段,在机车安全运输、调度高效进行中发挥着重要作用。介绍了基于AMBE-1000和RFC-1100A的机车语音通讯系统,此系统具有功耗低、使用方便、工作可靠、语音质量好等特点。


      Abstract: The system of coal mine voice communication is the important way of the driver of locomotive keeping in touch with the controller and anther driver, which plays a vital role in the safe transportation and the efficient controlling. The paper introduces a voice communication system based on AMBE-1000 and RFC-1100A, and it is low power, convenient, reliable, high quality.


