
    Application of Four-quadrant High Voltage Frequency Governor in Main Fan of Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 王庄煤矿根据矿井的具体情况,采用了有源前端的双PWM方式四象限高压变频器对主通风机进行改造,通过改造不仅使主通风机以最高的效率安全运行,满足矿井的通风需要,而且节能效果显著,具有很大的经济和社会效益。


      Abstract: According to the specific conditions,Wangzhuang Coal Mine chooses the active front end double PWM four-quadrant high voltage inverter to make transformation of the main fan,and the results show that the reform not only makes the main fan with the highest efficiency and meets the mine ventilation needs, but also has remarkable energy saving effect and great economic and social benefits.


