
    Treatment Technology for Deep Casing Break of Drilling

    • 摘要: 恒源煤矿II6112工作面FZ1-2#孔终孔L2灰岩后水量50 m3/h,由于没有及时注浆封堵,在矿压作用下导致二路套管断裂,钻孔附近巷道底板大范围出水。采用下放小直径套管未获成功,疏水降压后帷幕法注浆效果甚微,最终采用开挖至断管位置的方法处理断管钻孔,见效快,处理效果明显,成功治理了因套管断裂造成的底板出水。


      Abstract: The L2 limestone water from FZ1-2# borehole in Henyuang Company II6112 working face is 50 m3/h. Due to the absence of timely grouting, the casing is broke and a wide range of floor water inrush nearby drilling roadway appears under the mine pressure. The method of using decentralized small-diameter casing is not success, the grouting effect of curtain-grouting method after hydrophobicity and depressurization is not obvious, the eventual adoption is to excavate broken position methods to deal with the broken pipe drilling, which is effective with significant treatment effect and successfully treats floor water inrush caused by casing fracture.


