Leak Detection Technology in Underground Gas Extraction Pipe Network
摘要: 为了实现对瓦斯抽采管路泄漏位置和泄漏大小准确定位,建立了瓦斯抽采管网气体运行状态数学模型,并在此基础上建立了泄漏状态和严重程度判别模型,并在松藻矿区进行现场试验,结果表明,其泄漏模型能够满足抽采管网泄漏自动检测的需要。Abstract: In order to determine the leakage location and leakage size in the gas extraction pipeline, the study establishes the gas running state mathematical model of the gas extraction pipe network, and the evaluation model of the leakage state and leakage severity on this basis are set up. After field test in Songzao mining area, the experimental result shows that the model can meet the needs of leakage automatic detection in the gas extraction pipe network.