
    Advanced Detection of Old Empty Tunnel in the Front of Heading With Integrated Geophysical Exploration Technique

    • 摘要: 煤矿老窑采空巷道(老空巷道)具有空间体积小、分布无规律、探测难度大等特点,为了实现掘进迎头前方老空巷的提前定位探测,分析总结了瑞雷波和井下直流电法超前探测的技术特点、施工方法及资料分析解释的关键技术,并利用各自优点和多参数综合的方法,对煤矿掘进迎头前方已知老巷道进行了试验探测。试验结果表明老空巷在2种探测方法中均存在异常反映,2种方法相互补充、相互验证,提高了物探成果的可靠性。


      Abstract: The old empty tunnel of coal mine has these Characteristics of small space, irregular distribution, and it's difficult to be detected. In order to achieve the advanced coordinate detection for the old empty tunnel in front of the heading, this paper summarized and analyzed the technical characteristics, the construction method and the key technology of data analysis and explanation of Rayleigh wave and coal direct current resistivity method, and used their respective advantages and multi-parameter comprehensive method to detect the known old empty tunnel in the front of the heading in coal mine. The test results show that the old empty tunnel in this two kinds of detection methods are abnormal in reflection, this two methods are mutual complementation and mutual verification, which improves the reliability of the results of geophysical prospecting.


