Practice of Pressure Coal Mining Technology under Ash Field and Dam Body
摘要: 在分析程寨沟灰场及水工建筑物结构和压煤开采地质条件基础上,对灰场坝体下压煤开采进行了可行性论证,地表移动变形预计结果表明灰场及建筑物将经受Ⅱ级采动影响。通过采取井下安全开采技术措施和地面监测维修加固措施相结合技术方案,实现了灰场下压煤安全开采,取得了显著经济效益。监测结果表明,井下开采未对地表水工建筑物产生破坏性影响,坝体和水工建筑物保持了正常安全运行。Abstract: On basis of analying Chengzhaigou ash field,hydraulic construction structure and mining conditions,feasibility study of mining under ash field and dam was done.The ash and its attached hydraulic construction would be influenced grade Ⅱ mining by forecast results of ground movement and deformation.Safety pressure mining under ash field is realized by underground mining technology measures combined with repair and reinforement of surface monitor measures,The economic benefit is significant.Monitoring result shows that coal mining has slightly influence on surface hydraulic construction which maintains normal safety operation.