
    Experimental Research on Suppressing Gas Explosion by Mg(OH)2/CO2

    • 摘要: 采用自主改进的20 L近球型抑爆实验系统,进行了Mg(OH)2、CO2气体及两者同时添加抑制瓦斯爆炸的实验。实验结果表明,Mg(OH)2和CO2气体均对瓦斯爆炸具有一定的抑制作用。CH4体积分数为11%,同时添加250 mg/L Mg(OH)2粉末和8% CO2气体后,爆炸压力峰值时间延长3倍多,压力峰值、最大压力上升速率下降幅度分别为45.6%、79.9%。Mg(OH)2混合CO2气体的抑爆效果,比理论上叠加各自的抑爆效果弱。


      Abstract: Using the self-improved 20 L spherical explosion suppression experimental system, gas explosion suppression experiments on Mg(OH)2 and CO2 and both of them were studied. The results indicates that Mg(OH)2 and CO2 can suppress gas explosion. Adding Mg(OH)2 which the concentration is 250 mg/L and CO2 which the concentration is 8%, the time of the maximum explosion pressure prolongs more than three times, and the maximum explosion pressure and the maximum pressure rise rate decreased by 45.6% and 79.9%, when methane concentration is 11%. The explosion suppression effect of mixing Mg(OH)2 and CO2 is weak, compared with the effect which is added by Mg(OH)2's and CO2's.


