Coal Seam Spontaneous Combustion Monitoring and Forecasting Technology in Huating Mining Area
摘要: 通过分析华亭矿区煤层自然发火特点,制定出了采空区及采煤工作面自然发火监测预报方案,详细介绍了自然发火预报观测目的、参数、仪器及方法。通过在华亭煤业集团公司进行应用,有效防止了自然发火事故,确保了煤矿安全开采。Abstract: By analyzing the characteristics of seam spontaneous combustion in Huating Mining Area, the study worked out gob and coalface spontaneous combustion monitoring and prediction scheme, introduced the forecasting observation purposes, parameters, instruments and methods of spontaneous combustion in details.Through the application in Huating Coal Group, it effectively prevented spontaneous combustion in the accident, and ensured the coal mine safety.