High-power Emergency Power Supply in Mine and Its Charging Circuit Design
摘要: 针对矿用EPS电源充电效率低、充放电功率小的不足,设计了矿用大功率EPS充电电源,电池组的正极材料为磷酸铁锂,整个系统采用PLC实现对电池组分组充电控制,通过增设均衡保护电路,实现了矿用电池均衡无损充电的目的。设计已在开滦煤矿得到实际应用,试验证明,此种充电方法充电效率高、安全性好;在电力系统发生故障或电力崩溃时,能保证30 kW矿用风机的正常运行。Abstract: In order to solve the low charging efficiency and low power of mine EPS,this paper develops a high-power EPS,its anode materials of battery pack is lithium iron phosphate.The whole system adopts PLC to control the group charging;and it realizes the balanced recharging.This design has applied in Kailuan coal mine.Experiments date show that the charging method has high charging efficiency as well as good safety.Meanwhile,EPS power can guarantee the normal operation of 30 kW critical load when the power system is in failure,which can meet the requirements of mining standby power.