
    The Overburden Caving and Strata Stress Distribution Laws in Large Mining Height Fully-mechanized Mining Face

    • 摘要: 根据补连塔煤矿22303工作面煤层赋存条件及工作面煤层顶底板条件,建立了工作面开采计算模型,利用RFPA软件模拟了大采高工作面2种模型采动后上覆岩层破坏的发展过程,研究表明大采高综采工作面位于围岩宏观应力保护下的低应力区内,应力壳承当并传递上覆岩体载荷和压力,是最主要的承载体;通过2种模型对比随采高加大,其上的应力峰值越小,但峰值作用的范围越大。


      Abstract: According to the coal seam occurrence conditions and roof and floor conditions in 22303 working face of Bulianta Coal Mine, the working face mining calculation model is established. After two kinds of simulation model for large mining height working face is mined, the development process of the overlying rock destruction is realized by using the software RFPA.The research shows that large mining height surrounding rock of fully mechanized working face is located in low stress zone under the protection of macroscopic stress, stress shell is the main supporting body, which bears and transfers overlying rock mass load and pressure.Through the contrast of two models, with the increase of mining height, its stress peak value is smaller, but peak role of the range is bigger.


