Deformation Mechanism and Countermeasures of Argillaceous Soft Rock Roadway
摘要: 开滦泥质软岩巷道呈现全断面非线性大变形特征,通过扫描电镜、透射电镜及X射线衍射等微观分析手段,摸清了高蒙脱石含量泥质岩层巷道的软化膨胀机理,对带关键点强化的锁腿支架实施壁后充填、滞后注浆等技术,实现了巷道变形的稳定控制。Abstract: Argillaceous soft rock roadway in Kailuan presents full-face nonlinear large deformation characteristics. SEM, TEM, and X-ray diffraction are all applied in the mechanism research. As a result of the experiments, softening and expansion mechanism in argillaceous strata roadway with high content of montmorillonite is obtained. Implementing backfilling, lag grouting technology to leg-lock support which has critical points. The combined support is effective to control the deformation.