New Assumption of Treatment Acid Mine Drainage by Using Ionic Liquids
摘要: 离子液体作为一类新型的溶剂或功能材料,不仅具有许多的优良的性质,而且可以通过设计和改变阴阳离子的结构和组成来调节离子液体的性质以达到特定的应用目的。简述了煤矿酸性矿井水的形成机理及其危害,通过分析研究大量的关于离子液体处理金属离子的文献,提出了利用具有绿色溶剂之称的离子液体进行处理酸性矿井水的设想。Abstract: As a new solvent or functional materials,ionic liquid not only have many good properties,but achieve the goal of specific application by designing and changing anion-cationic and composition.In this paper,the author summarized the formation mechanism and harm of acid mine drainage,through analyzing and studiing massive literatures of treatment metal ions by ionic liquid,the author put forward the assumption of treatment acid mine drainage by ionic liquid as green solvent.