
    Analysis and Solutions of Unsafe Act in the Coal Mine Blasting Accidents

    • 摘要: 为减少或消除引起放炮事故的不安全动作,进而有效预防煤矿放炮事故发生,统计分析了2000年后4起特大瓦斯爆炸事故,并深入分析了2起事故,得出煤矿放炮事故发生的直接原因都是由员工的不安全动作导致的,员工的不安全动作间接或直接导致了引爆瓦斯火花的产生,或直接导致了瓦斯积聚。据此,提出采用三维动画放炮不安全动作演示及虚拟现实放炮安全动作训练来提高员工的安全知识及安全意识,培养员工的安全习惯。


      Abstract: In order to reduce or eliminate the unsafe act in blasting accidents, and then to effectively prevent coal mine explosion accidents, the paper statistically analyzes the four major gas explosion accidents after 2000, and analyzes two accidents in depth. Finally, the paper finds that the direct reason of the coal mine explosion accident are caused by the unsafe act of employees, employees' unsafe act have directly produced gas spark or the gas accumulation, the safety knowledge and the safety awareness of the staff is improved through a 3D animation blasting unsafe action demo and blasting safety action training with virtual reality, which cultivates safety habits of employees.


