
    Simulation Test of Rock Strata Anchorage Mechanism in Coal Seam Roof

    • 摘要: 以剪胀锚固理论为指导,视矩形巷道顶板岩层为层状块体结构,根据锚固岩层结构面的剪胀力学特性,选用层状块体材料构建相似模拟试验模型。通过物理模拟实验,分析研究煤层巷道顶板岩层预应力锚固系统中锚杆的受力状态及其加固机理,得到预应力锚固系统中相关参数间的力学关系。


      Abstract: In this paper, using the dilatancy anchorage theory as the guide, taking the roof strata of rectangular roadway as layered block structure, according to the dilatancy mechanical characteristics of the anchorage rock structural surface, the test chooses layered block structure materials to build simulation test model. Through the physical simulation experiment, anchoring bolt's stress state and strengthening mechanism in coal seam roof prestressed anchor system are analyzed, and mechanical relationship among correlation parameters in prestressed anchor system is obtained.


