
    Bolting and Grouting Reinforced Support Technology in Soft Rock Roadway

    • 摘要: 软岩巷道易发生塑性变形和剪切破坏,出现底鼓、顶板下沉和两帮内挤,无法满足正常使用,为提高巷道围岩支护强度,采用锚注加强支护技术对巷道进行加固,用数值模拟软件分析并结合现场实际测量,结果表明:距工作面超过80 m后,顶底板移近量趋于100 mm,两帮移近量趋于120 mm。现场工业性试验结果表明,锚注加强支护技术不仅提高了支护结构的整体性和承载能力,而且增强软岩巷道围岩本身强度。


      Abstract: Soft rock roadway is prone to plastic deformation and shear failure, floor heave, roof subsidence and two side convergence, which is unable to meet the normal use. In order to improve the mine roadway support intensity, bolting and grouting reinforced support technology is adopted to reinforce roadway. By using the numerical simulation software analysis and combining with the actual measurement, it gets that more than 80 m away from the work surface, the converge of roof and floor is 100 mm and the converge of two ribs is 120 mm. After the field experiment, the result proves that bolting and grouting reinforced support technology not only improves the integrated loading capacity of support structure, but also enhances the soft rock roadway intensity.


