推动金牌班组建设 创建本质安全型矿井

    Promoting Golden Team Construction to Create Intrinsically Safety Mine

    • 摘要: 金牌班组建设的核心内容就是提高班组成员素质,特别是班组长整体素质,减少和最终杜绝违章指挥和违章作业,是实现安全生产企业增效的的关键。通过对煤矿班组安全隐患、违章事故信息的整理、分类与分析,经过现场调查、分析、评价和理论研究。研究煤矿企业安全生产管理中存在的主要问题及性质,推动了金牌班组建设活动的开展,打造本质安全型矿井。


      Abstract: The core content of golden team-building is to increase quality of the core team members,especially the overall team leaders,to reduce and ultimately eliminate illegal command and illegal operations.It is the key factor to achieve safe production and enterprises efficiency.Through collation,classification and analysis of safety risks and illegal accident information from the mine team,after a field investigation,analysis,evaluation and theoretical research,the paper studied coal mining enterprises safety management of the main problems and nature,and promoted the gold team-building activities to create intrinsically safe mine.


