
    Research on Mine Resource Integration Strategies Based on Major Accident Risk Assessment

    • 摘要: 煤炭资源整合是提高煤矿安全和事故预防管理水平的重大举措,但以生产能力大小作为企业实施资源整合或关闭的条件,缺乏科学依据。通过引入风险评价理论,建立煤矿企业重大事故风险评价模型,提出根据风险评价结果划分企业实施资源整合的标准。应用实例表明,该方法可以作为矿井实施资源整合的参考策略,与实际情况较为吻合,有利于推动资源整合的深入行动,促使资源整合成为提升煤炭行业安全管理水平的长效机制。


      Abstract: It is a major initiative for coal resource integration to improve the enterprise's safety management and accident prevention level. However, there is a lack of scientific basis to take the size of the production capacity as the resource integration and closed of enterprise. The major accident risk assessment model of coal enterprise is set up through the introduction of risk assessment theory, reference standard of resources integration in coal mine is proposed based on the results of the risk assessment. An applied case shows that it relatively conforms to reality as reference standard of resources integration in coal mine, which will promote resource integration to be a long-term mechanism to improve the level of safety management in coal industry.


