
    Prevention Measures for Rib Spalling at Large Mining Height Working Face

    • 摘要: 针对寺河矿4301大采高工作面煤壁片帮严重的问题,通过对煤壁片帮机理和影响煤壁片帮因素的综合分析,采用液压支架二级伸缩式护帮板、及时支护、提高初撑力、和加快推进速度等措施有效防治了煤壁片帮,确保了安全生产。


      Abstract: In view of the severe rib spalling of 4301 coal face in Sihe Coal Mine, according to the comprehensive analysis of the mechanism and the influencing factors of the rib spalling, through adopting the measures, such as using secondary retractable protecting sides board of hydraulic support, support in time, improving setting load, speeding up advancing speed, rib spalling is controlled, and safe production is realized.


