
    Set Pair Analysis Identical Degree Methods for Mining Scheme Optimization Under Aquifer

    • 摘要: 采用集对分析同一度方法,以某矿第四系巨厚松散含水层下煤炭开采为例,根据可供选择的7种开采方案,优选出防水煤岩柱高度设计值、月度产量、吨煤开采成本、采出率4个评价指标,对这4个评价指标进行综合分析,确定出一个最优评价集,并详细论述了各个方案与最优评价集的贴近度计算过程,选取贴近度值最大的方案作为最佳方案,确定了不同防水煤岩柱高度下对应的最优开采方案,作为六采区内各区段煤层开采方案的依据。


      Abstract: Using the method of set pair analysis identical degree,taking a coalmine under super thick unconsolidated stratum of the Quaternary as an example, four evaluation indexes are selected, including waterproof pillar's vertical height, monthly production, coal costs per ton, and mining rate according to seven alternative mining methods, and an optimal evaluation is identified. The paper discusses the calculation process of closeness degree of various programs with optimal evaluation set. The optimal mining scheme of different waterproof coal pillar height is determined, which is taken as basis for each section seam mining program of six-mining area.


