Sensitive Indexes Optimum Selection of Coal and Gas Outburst Risk for No.3 Coal Seam in Zhaozhuang Mine
摘要: 针对赵庄矿3#煤层实际地质采矿条件,确定4种主要突出危险预测敏感指标;通过现场试验及各种指标敏感性的对比分析,得出钻屑法对赵庄3#煤层突出危险性敏感性相对较高;根据钻屑法指标预测结果实现了矿井安全掘进。Abstract: According to practical geological conditions of No.3 coal seam in Zhaozhuang mine, four predicted sensitive indices for gas outburst risk were selected. Through field test and comparative analysis of the sensitivity of the various indexes, the sensitivity of drilling bits method was relatively high for gas outburst risk prediction for No.3 coal seam in Zhaozhuang mine. Based on index predict results of drilling bits method, mine safety tunneling was obtained.