
    Application of Transient Electromagnetic Method in Mine Water Prevention and Control

    • 摘要: 介绍了全空间场和半空间场瞬变电磁探测技术的原理和常用工作装置,结合某矿的水文地质概况和开采条件,对其1136、1138工作面采用地面瞬变电磁法进行了采空区积水和覆岩富水性勘查,并对1136工作面进行了矿井瞬变电磁探测,结果表明地面瞬变电磁和矿井瞬变电磁的探测结果较为一致,基本查明了异常区的位置、分布范围和积水情况。根据探测确定的异常目标区域,布置了22个钻孔,其中有16个钻孔出水,并证实2处低阻异常为砂岩含水体。


      Abstract: The paper introduced the common working device and the theory of underground whole space and half space transient electromagnetic method. Combined with the hydrogeological condition and mining condition of a mine, 1136 and 1138 working face was detected by TEM in order to define the goaf water and overburden rich water, and the 1136 working face was also detected by UWTEM. The detection indicated that the results of TEM and UWTEM were almost identical, and the location, distribution range and water accumulation situation of the abnormal areas were found. According to the location of abnormal areas, 22 bore holes were drilled and 16 bore holes had water outflow, which indicated that the two lower resistivity areas were sandstone aquifer.


