
    Optimization and Modification Scheme of Ventilation System in Zhaojiazhai Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 赵家寨煤矿现有5个采煤工作面、13个掘进工作面,由于生产采区布置集中,未实现矿井分区通风。针对矿井通风系统存在的问题,通过方案比较确定了矿井通风系统优化方案是利用原有巷道和新设计巷道改变通风网络,进而实现矿井分区通风,该方案既解决了矿井分区通风问题,又缓解了11回风上山风速超限问题,为矿井安全生产提供了保证。


      Abstract: There were 5 mining faces and 13 heading faces in Zhaojiazhai Coal Mine, due to the layout of production mining area concentrated, it did not realize coal mine partition ventilation. Aiming at the problem of coal mine ventilation system, through scheme comparation, it determined coal mine ventilation system optimization scheme. It changed ventilation network by using the existing roadway and designing new roadway, thus achieved coal mine partition ventilation. This scheme not only solved the problem of mine partition ventilation, but also relieved the wind speed overrun problem of return air uphill, provided a guarantee for the coal mine safety production.


