
    Coal Mine Wireless Safety Monitoring System Based on TRF6900

    • 摘要: 介绍了一种基于TRF6900的煤矿无线安全监控系统的设计方案,通过MSP430F149与TRF6900构建井下无线传感模块,实现安全监测参数的数据采集和无线发射;利用无线收发芯片TRF6900和DSP430F149单片机组成的无线监测分站将各支巷道的监测数据汇总,经由主巷道RS485总线传送到数据监测中心,实现了安全监测数据的有效管理。


      Abstract: This paper introduces a design scheme of coal mine wireless safety monitoring system based on TRF6900. The design realizes safety monitoring information collection through underground sensor module which is made up by TRF6900 and MSP430F149. In the meantime, it uses TRF6900 wireless transceiver chip and DSP430F149 SCM to construct the underground monitoring sub-station to convergence all monitoring information of branch roadway, and eventually realizes the data transmission to data monitoring center through RS485 bus and accomplishes the effective management of the safety monitoring datum.


