
    High Temperature Control Technology at 10414 Working Face in Yangliu Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 杨柳煤矿10414首采面开采的煤层属自燃煤层,由于顶板不稳定及过断层区,采空区的遗煤最大厚约2.0 m,由于工作面推进速度慢,加之漏风严重,在机巷侧采空区内靠近机巷外邦的区域内出现高温,尚未发生明火。为防止自燃火灾的发生,封闭了该工作面,并制定了系统的防灭火计划,采取了“控漏风、降氧气、消高温、防复燃”的治理思路,经实施后达到了启封的要求,并安全启封。


      Abstract: The coal seams of first mining face 10414 were spontaneous combustion coal seams in Yangliu Coal Mine, due to the unstable roof and fault zone, the largest thickness of residual coal in the goaf was about 2.0m. Because the working face advanced slowly, combined with serious air leakage, high temperature appeared outside the machine lane in the goaf, open fire had not yet come out. In order to prevent the occurrence of spontaneous combustion fires, the working face was closed, it developed systematic plan of fire prevention and extinguishing, it used governance ideas of controlling air leakage, lowering oxygen, eliminating high temperature, preventing recrudescence, which met the unsealed requirements after implementation, it was unsealed safely.


