
    High-low-blasting Technology Based on Multi-parameters Cooperative in Gas Dynamic Disaster Prevention

    • 摘要: 针对平煤集团十二矿己15 煤层高瓦斯、高应力、低透气性的现状,利用多参数协同原理,建立了局部卸压与区域卸压相结合的瓦斯治理协同控制模型,采用有限元分析软件模拟分析了爆破后爆轰波传播、地应力变化分布规律,开发了高位爆破(穿层深孔水压控制爆破)+低位爆破(专用卸压巷道深孔控制爆破)的高低位爆破“两位一体”技术。研究表明:控制孔与爆破孔间距为0.6 m时,控制孔周围产生最大拉裂破坏,起到定向控制爆破的作用;爆破力和水力优势叠加,使卸压增透效果较普通爆破明显提高;高位和低位措施配合使影响半径相互重叠,消除了存在瓦斯动力灾害危险的“空白带”。


      Abstract: For the status of high gas contents, high stress and low-permeability of Ji15 seam of No.12 Coal Mine in Pingmei Group, the gas cooperative control model combined local pressure-relief with regional pressure-relief was established based on the theory of multi-parameters cooperative. The laws of detonation wave propagation and ground-stress change distribution were simulated by means of the finite element analysis software. The technology of high-low-blasting, composed of high blasting(deep crossing hole controlled hydraulic blasting) and low blasting (special roadway deep hole controlled blasting) was developed. The research showed that maximum tension fracture failure was produced around control hole when the distance between control hole and blasting hole is 0.6 m., and it resulted in directional and controlled blasting. The theory made advantage superimpose for blasting force and hydraulic force, which raised the effect of pressure relief and permeability enhancements compared with general blasting. High blasting influence radius and low blasting influence radius superimposed with each other, which prevents gas dynamic disaster.


