
    Localized Outburst Prevention Technology for 4331 Air Gateway Heading Face in Jinneng Coal Industry Branch

    • 摘要: 金能煤业分公司4331工作面所属3#煤层为高瓦斯突出煤层,煤层透气性系数低且瓦斯赋存不均匀,石门揭煤时发生过动力现象,且4331风巷处于上保护层未保护范围内。在风巷掘进时采用连续流量法预测前方煤体的突出危险性,并采取超前排放孔、均匀布置预抽钻场等防突措施防治工作面瓦斯突出,措施实施后再进行效果检验和区域验证,直到无突出危险为止。


      Abstract: The 3# seam in 4331 coal face of Jinneng Coal Industry Branch is high coal and gas outburst seam, and the permeability coefficient of coal seam is low and gas hosting is uneven. Dynamic phenomenon was occurred as coal uncovering in a cross-cut. And 4331 air gateway is in unprotected range of upper protected layer.The method of continuous flow is used to forecast the outburst hazard in front of the coal body. And advanced boreholes for methane drainage, gas pre-drainage drilling fields are adopted to prevent coal and gas outburst. And then, effect test and region verification should be implemented until there is no outburst risk in working-face.


