Study on Rupture Laws of Stope Roof Under the Fault
摘要: 基于UDEC软件对断层下采场顶板的破断规律进行分析,研究了不同倾斜角度断层和断层在采场顶板上方不同位置时对采场顶板竖直方向位移和应力的影响规律,从而得到了断层下采场顶板的破断规律,这些将为断层下采区顶板的支护提供一定的理论指导。Abstract: This paper analyzes the rupture laws of the stope roof under faults by the UDEC software. Through the study of the influence laws of different angle faults and fault at different locations of stope roof on stope roof vertical displacement and stress, rupture laws of stope roof under the fault are got, which provides a certain theoretical guidance for support of mining roof under faults.