
    Study on Surface Subsidence Laws of Solid Waste Backfilling Fully Mechanized Mining

    • 摘要: 结合固体充填综采原理,分析了等价采高与充填体压实率的关系。并根据某矿工程地质条件,利用FLAC2D 数值计算软件,系统分析了充填体压实率、采高对地表沉陷的影响规律,得出当充填体压实率为50%、60%时,地表沉陷值较大,下沉系数分别为0.687及0.583,当充填体压实率为75%、90%时,地表沉陷明显减小;随着采高的增加,地表沉陷峰值逐渐增大,且基本呈现线性规律。


      Abstract: Combined with the fully mechanized mining principle of backfilling with solid materials, this paper analyzes the relationship between equivalence mining height and compacted rate of filling body. According to the engineering geological condition of a coal mine, the effect laws of compacted rate and mining height of backfilling materials on surface subsidence are analyzed by using numerical calculation software FLAC2D .The results show that the value of surface subsidence is larger and the subsidence coefficents are 0.687 and 0.583 respectively when the compacted rate of backfilling materials are 50% and 60% , and the value of surface subsidence has an obvious decrease when the compacted rate is 75% and 90%. The peak value of surface subsidence increaes with the increase of mining height, which shows the linear rule.


