
    Study on Structural Reliability of Bolt-shotcrete Support of Roadway Based on JC Method

    • 摘要: 基于巷道锚喷支护结构的作用机理,得到了其支护状态方程,引入可靠度计算的JC法(验算点法),从力学的角度建立了关于JC法的煤矿巷道锚喷支护结构可靠度分析的计算公式和流程。根据建立的可靠度公式和流程,对某工程实例进行可靠度计算,结果表明,该煤矿巷道,混凝土衬砌厚度和锚杆间距对可靠度指标影响明显,两者的最佳参数分别为8 cm和0.9 m。


      Abstract: Based on the action mechanism of bolt-shotcrete support structure of roadway, and its state equation is achieved. Combined with the basic principle of checking point method (JC method), from the point of view of the mechanics, the reliability calculation formula and process on JC method about bolt-shotcrete support structure in roadway is established. According to the reliability calculation formula and process, the reliability of an engineering example is calculated. The results show that the concrete lining thickness and bolt interval are important influencing factors to the reliability indexes in this roadway. And the best values of concrete lining thickness and bolt interval are 8 cm and 0.9 m.


