
    Legacy Coal Pillar Domino Instability Numerical Simulation of Room and Pillar Mining

    • 摘要: 唐公沟煤矿技术改进前3-2 煤层采用的是房柱式开采方式,在进行下位4-2上 煤层开采时,顶板的相应区域将受到3-2 煤层采空区遗留煤柱的影响而产生应力集中,易造成4-2上 煤层开采时两巷片帮、冒顶,工作面煤壁片帮。通过建立UDEC数值模型,研究了4-2上 煤层工作面推进过程中3-2 采空区遗留煤柱的骨牌失稳现象,分析得出了4-2上 煤层工作面位移变化规律及不同煤柱宽度对骨牌失稳效应的影响。


      Abstract: The room and pillar mining was used at 3-2 coal seam before Tanggonggou Coal Mine technological improvement. When the 4-2 upper coal seam is mining, the corresponding area of roof will be affected by 3-2 coal seam goaf pillar and produces stress concentration, which is easy to cause rib spalling, roof fall, workface coal wall rib spalling in 4-2 upper coal seam roadway. According to UDEC numerical model, this paper studies the 3-2 goaf legacy pillar domino instability phenomenon with the advancing of 4-2 upper coal seam workface, analyzes and obtains the workface displacement change laws in 4-2 upper coal seam and the effect of different widths of coal pillar on domino instability phenomenon.


