
    Chaos Characteristic Analysis of Microseism Time Series of Rock Burst

    • 摘要: 冲击地压破坏是一非线性动力学过程,因此基于微震时间序列,采用定性和定量方法深入系统的分析其混沌特性,为冲击地压的混沌预测打下基础。简单介绍了微震监测的基本原理和冲击地压的混沌特征显现。在MATLABR2009b环境下,以微震累计能量时间序列为例,应用功率谱方法确定其具有非周期性;采用主成分分析将其与噪声信号区别开来;计算出其最大Lya-punov 指数>0,判定系统具有混沌特性;计算出的关联维数描述了系统的混沌程度。


      Abstract: Because it is a nonlinear dynamic process,chaos characteristic of rock burst is analyzed systematically and thoroughly on microseism time series to laying a foundation for chaotic prediction.chaos characteristic appearance of rock burst is introduced in this paper.In MATLABR2009b environment,taking the time series of microseism accumulative total energy as an example,aperiodicity is confirmed with power spectrum method;the time series is distinguished from the noise signal by the principal components analysis;chaos characteristic of the system is determined by its maximum lyapunov exponent which is greater than zero;correlation dimension calculated describes its chaotic degree.


