
    Distribution Characteristics of Dust Produced in Cutting Coal and Prevention Technology at Fully-mechanized Coal Face

    • 摘要: 在对采煤机附近风速和粉尘浓度分布特点分析的基础上,采用组合喷雾,在滚筒处形成空间“立体交叉”式高压喷雾,对采煤机割煤产尘进行控制和沉降。分析结果表明:局部风速增高是司机作业区粉尘污染加剧的重要原因;逆风割煤时粉尘扩散加快,且采煤机下风侧粉尘浓度峰值较顺风割煤时高;采取控降尘技术后,司机位置和采煤机下风侧10 m处降尘效率分别为82.72%和86.63%。


      Abstract: On the basis of analyzing the speed wind and distribution characteristics of dust concentration around shearer. Combination spray, space "vertical crossing "high-pressure spray formed in tumbler, is used to control the dust production in cutting coal. Research shows that the increase of local wind speed is the aggravated dust pollution in driver operating region, the dust spreads faster when cutting coal against wind, and the dust concentration is higher in shearer downwind side when following wind. After taking the dust reduction technology, the dust removal efficiencies of driver position and shearer downwind side 10 m are 82.72% and 86.63% respectively.


